Monthly Archives: March 2019

4 Enterprise IoT Scenarios to Jumpstart Your Connected Devices Strategy

As more and more companies migrate to the cloud, and businesses start to evaluate IoT solutions, there are a few scenarios that can help them jumpstart their connected devices strategy. BI, remote monitoring, centralized command, and control to name a few are some scenarios you can use to jumpstart your strategy. At Teknologik, we have…
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Customer story: Shell invests in safety with Azure

Smoking and wrong fueling procedures are just some of the safety concerns for Shell retail locations. In the past, Shell couldn't analyze the hours of video footage that were logged daily. But now, with the help of Azure, they can analyze in real time and make safety adjustments as appropriate. You can access this same…
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Bringing digital transformation to the supply chain with Azure IoT Suite

When a problem affects the supply chain of your organization, customers and future sales could be in jeopardy. That's why it's important to know what's going on with your equipment. With connected devices, you have access to data like never before so you can prevent issues before they become problems. At Teknologik, we want to…
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